Dungeon In A Box, a subscription based system with plenty of features

Dungeon In a Box is a Wordpress and Woocommerce set up that uses Woocommerce Subscriptions as the base for the subscriptions system. The project has multiple custom features and adjustments to better fit the client's needs. Some of these features include: - Custom renewal synchronization of subscriptions with different billing intervals (for admins). - Custom theme. - Separation of billing with shipping orders (system creates an order using the customer's info and last product sent for shipping purposes only). Also, a big feature developed for the site was a kickstarter pledge manager that allows users to select which product they want specifically after they pledged on a complex kickstarter campaign and set up. Prices change while customers select more, the tool allows users to add more than what they pledged for over kick-starter.

Dungeon In a Box is a Wordpress and Woocommerce set up that uses Woocommerce Subscriptions as the base for the subscriptions system. The project has multiple custom features and adjustments to better fit the client's needs. Some of these features include: - Custom renewal synchronization of subscriptions with different billing intervals (for admins). - Custom theme. - Separation of billing with shipping orders (system creates an order using the customer's info and last product sent for shipping purposes only). Also, a big feature developed for the site was a kickstarter pledge manager that allows users to select which product they want specifically after they pledged on a complex kickstarter campaign and set up. Prices change while customers select more, the tool allows users to add more than what they pledged for over kick-starter. Visit live project See more projects

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I consider myself to be an interdisciplinary Senior Software Developer with experience in many fields of the development process. I can help you succeed in your next software development project by capitalizing on my extensive experience in many different projects of all sizes and tech stacks. Feel free to contact me about your project!